flexEM T5577
- T5577 125kHz chip emulation and cloning features
- Works with many 125kHz RFID readers
- 20mm diameter x 1.3mm thick
- Want an analog? Check out the STL
- Watch a video about the T5577!
More Details
WARNING This kit definitely contains dangerous things. The flexEM transponder device has not been tested or certified by any regulatory agency for implantation or use inside the human body. Use of this device is strictly at your own risk.
The flexEM is one of our next generation, high performance, 125kHz RFID transponders with a T5577 chip inside. The T5577 is an emulator that can behave like many different common low frequency chip types, including EM41xx, EM4200, HID 1326 ProxCard II, HID 1346 ProxCard III, Indala, Pyramid, Viking, AMV, Presco (and more) access cards and keyfobs. It is compatible with many inexpensive but plentiful OEM and commercial low frequency RFID readers and stand-alone access controllers like our xEM Access Controller.
The flexEM is coated in USP Class VI, ISO 10993 tested biopolymer which gives it an extremely thin profile and semi-flexible structure suitable for installation just about anywhere. They are packaged in a gas plasma sterilized tyvek sterilization pouch that contains the flex implant which is then packaged inside a sealed polymer bag.
The performance and range of the flexEM vs the xEM is significant.
What can this chip implant do?
• Some types of access control applications
• Copy other LF chip IDs to this chip
What this chip implant can’t do
• Share data with NFC enabled smartphones
• Trigger events on NFC devices like smartphones
• Can’t make payments with this chip implant
• Chip implants can’t be used for GPS or tracking
Professional installation notes
Installation of a flexEM device should always be done by a professional.
- Do not install under any gripping surface (e.g. no palm side installations)
- Do not install atop or parallel to any joints (flex devices are only “semi-flexible”)
Scalpel Install Procedure
- Make a 20mm wide incision in skin
- Lift & separate dermal layer using elevator tool
- The subdermal “pocket” should be at least 25mm deep
- Remove all tools from installation site
- Slide flex device under skin with sterile gloves – no forceps or tools
- Side with chip visible should be facing up. Do not place silver backed side up.
- Suture to close wound – do not pierce flex device while suturing
Important things to know about the flexEM
– The biopolymer is ISO 10993 and USP Class IV tested and certified, however the final product has not been tested post-processing, meaning material changes during processing could render the final product unsafe in some way.
– There is no “preferred” location for installation of a flex device. Customers are free to install a flex into any area of the body their installation professional is comfortable with, as long as it is in the fascia layer between dermis and muscle tissue and not in an area of flexion or under a gripping surface. Even though we use images which suggest installation above the second metacarpal of one of the fingers, it is not an ideal location for such a device. Fingers are filled with tendons, nerve bundles, and very important things all packed into a very tight space. We urge you to think about easier locations like the back of the hand or in the arm/wrist.