Titan sensing biomagnet
UNDERGOING REDESIGN – the Titan is undergoing a redesign process. There is no ETA, but keep an eye on our socials for announcements.
The Titan is the world’s best medical grade 2 pure titanium encased biomagnet implant. We’re so proud of Titan that it comes with a lifetime warranty! Conceived of in our community forum, it was previously crowdfunded in batches, but no longer! Now it’s a regular retail product!
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More Details
WARNING This product is definitely a dangerous things. While our implants products have undergone several quality checks during manufacture and have been put through a battery of tests, nothing has been certified by any government regulatory agency for implantation or use inside the human body. Your personal decision to purchase and ultimately the safe use of this device is strictly your responsibility and at your own risk.MRI COMPATIBILITY WARNING The xG3 and all magnetic implant products should be removed before any MRI or magnetic imaging procedure. While our x-series transponders have tested as compatible with MRI machines up to 7T field strength, all magnetic products are incompatible with MRI machines and procedures.
There are other sensing biomagnets on the market, but none of them have durable medical grade pure titanium (grade 2) and a lifetime warranty like the Titan. Not sure what biomagnets are all about? Read our basic technology primer!
Titan Specifications
• N52 grade neodymium iron boron magnet
• 3mm diameter x 2mm thick magnetic disc
• 4.5mm x 2.8mm grade 2 titanium casing
• Sterilized in low temp gas plasma chamber
• Lifetime guarantee
The magnetic component of the Titan is a 3mm diameter and 2mm thick NdFeB sintered disc with no coating (no nickel or gold, just pure magnet). That magnetic core is encased inside machined titanium, creating a disc measuring 4.5mm in diameter and 2.8mm thick. The top and bottom surfaces have a thickness that is limited to 0.4mm thick to encourage better lifting strength, even though the design is meant for sensing with high field strength and low mass for minimal inertia. The field strength of the magnetic core is N52 and Gauss measurements taken from the fully encased Titan average 2.9kG (2900G) at the top and bottom.
What to expect
Sometimes there is talk online about implantable magnets being able to detect “electricity” or “electric fields”, but often these discussions quickly diverge into the realm of the unrealistic. A magnet implant is just a magnet. For you to be able to get any sensation out of it, it must move. For example, if you hold a strong N52 grade neodymium magnet gently in between your fingers and put it near a wire, and feel nothing, then you will not feel anything when it’s implanted either. There is further discussion about this on https://forum.dangerousthings.com/t/titan-sensitivity-issues.
Lifetime guarantee
Your Titan biomagnet is guaranteed to never have a casing failure or mechanical breakdown of any kind. As long as it is installed in your body, the robust titanium casing will remain intact, keeping the magnetic core safe and secure. If you ever have problems with the manufacturing quality of your Titan biomagnet, like all Dangerous Things implantable products, you will get a free replacement. Even if, (FSM forgive), you get into an accident that damages your Titan biomagnet, return the chunks to us for a free replacement.
Past Titan Campaigns
At first, Titan was sold in batches through crowdfunding campaign. The first campaign was fully funded within 8 hours, and we shipped out the first batch of Titans to our happy Hall of Titans backers in January 2021! The success of the first Titan campaigns generated several threads on the forum, which include tons of photos and information from past Titan backers. Those threads include;
- The official Titan crowdfunding campaign thread
- Titan (contains spoilers)
- Titan install sharing thread
- Titan finger install and weightlifting
Loss of sensitivity
There are three primary causes for magnets to lose sensitivity – the ability for you to sense magnetic fields. Those causes are field strength decline, tactile nerve displacement, and corrosion.
• Field strength decline
The magnetic field strength of a magnet can naturally decline very slowly over many many years, however total losses are negligible and certainly not detectable without extremely sensitive field strength meters. That said there are direct causes which can affect magnetic field strength, such as forcing like poles together or severe mechanical impact. Forcing like poles together so the magnets repel each other can result in what’s called hysteresis loss, though it requires a considerably stronger opposing magnetic force to regularly act on your magnet to cause any significant loss to occur, which is unlikely. Severe impacts can physically jostle the atomic structure of the magnet, causing some magnetic domains to change direction or realign differently, causing some loss. This is unlikely however since an impact significant enough to cause this kind of magnetic field loss should also result in a pretty mangled appendage as well, and you will have other things to worry about aside from a negligibly less strong magnetic implant. Furthermore, the losses incurred from these direct causes are still fairly negligible, particularly for this use case.
• Tactile nerve displacement
Depending on the location of your magnetic implant, how your body heals, and how it develops scar tissue over time, you may begin to experience less tactile nerve activation over time as scar tissue slowly grows around the implant site, forcing tactile nerves further and further away from the implant. This does occur with some regularity, however it typically takes several years to be noticeable, and sensitivity loss is usually minor. More often than not, loss of sensitivity occurs due to corrosion of the magnet, either inside the encapsulation through or due to encapsulation failure.
• Corrosion
Neodymium magnets contain a large amount of iron by volume, and iron is easily corroded by common elements such as oxygen and water. Magnet corrosion occurs when these elements become trapped inside during the encapsulation process, which can cause slow corrosive effect, or the encapsulation fails and allows corrosive elements to come into contact with the magnet. Catastrophic encapsulation failures are usually obvious, resulting in tenderness, discoloration of the skin, and a slight inflammatory response. Small failures however can take much longer to become obvious, resulting in a slow degradation of field strength without many external signs that something is slowly going wrong with the magnet. The Titan’s medical grade casing is guaranteed to never fail, and any loss of sensitivity one might experience over time will be due to scar tissue build up. The good news is, a professional can can still remove your Titan, clean it properly, and re-install it in a new location if you wish to regain full sensation.
DO NOT AUTOCLAVE THE TITAN. The process of steam sterilization in an autoclave generates enough heat that the magnetic components of the Titan are brought over their Curie limit. This will permanently damage the magnet’s ability to generate a strong magnetic field. The Titan ships inside a standard sterilization pouch which has been sterilized in our low temperature gas plasma commercial sterilization chamber, complete with indicator strip and lot label with processing date.