
The flexUG4 is an Ultimate Magic gen4 chip emulator. It can emulate a variety of different NFC chips and has writable Sector 0, also known as the “manufacturer block.”

  • 13.56Mhz Ultimate Magic gen4 chip (version 06 A0 )
  • 8mm x 28mm in a flexible biopolymer package
  • 4/7/10 byte UID and all of sector 0 is writable
  • Can emulate a variety of ISO14443 chips
  • Sterile 5mm (4G) Flex Install Needle Included!


Demo with Proxmark and Android Phone

More Details

WARNING This kit definitely contains dangerous things. While the biopolymer used to encapsulate our flex products is USP Class VI and ISO 10993 certified, our flex products have not been tested or certified by any regulatory agency for implantation or use inside the human body. Use of this device is strictly at your own risk.

What can this chip implant do?

What this chip implant can’t do

Can’t make payments with this chip implant
Chip implants can’t be used for GPS or tracking

Common questions

Q: How can I program it?
• A: The easiest method is using a proxmark and the LUA script hf_mf_ultimatecard

Q: What if I’m looking for more control programming it?
• A: Check out this link on Github for a command listing with examples.

WARNING If you decide to purchase one of these units, be aware that “magic” chips come from Chinese grey market suppliers. Because the silicon IC inside the flexUG4 is not made by a large reputable RFID transponder company, proper functionality or performance is not guaranteed. That said, the flexUG4 still comes with one year warranty protection.

Professional installation notes

Installation of a flexUG4 device should always be done by a professional.

  • Do not install under any gripping surface (e.g. no palm side installations)
  • Do not install atop or parallel to any joints (flex devices are only “semi-flexible”)
Scalpel Procedure
  • Make a 9mm wide incision in skin
  • Lift & separate dermal layer using elevator tool
  • The subdermal “pocket” should be at least 40mm deep
  • Remove all tools from installation site
  • Slide flex device under skin with sterile gloves – no forceps or tools
  • Suture to close wound – do not pierce flex device while suturing
Needle Procedure
A full procedure guide for professionals is available in PDF format.

  • Incise skin using a 4g (5mm diameter) piercing needle, bevel side down
  • Carefully insert the needle to a depth of at least 40mm
  • Be sure to lift the skin ahead of the needle’s point as you insert it
  • Slide flex device under skin with sterile gloves – no forceps or tools
  • Achieve complete hemostasis before applying bandaging
  • Use re-enforced butterfly bandage or dermal strips to pull wound closed
  • Apply transparent film (tegaderm) dressing overtop the dermal strips
  • While hemostasis is maintained, do not remove bandaging for 7-10 days
Testing process, return policy, and warranty
Functional Testing
Our flex chip implants come packaged in a gas plasma sterilized tyvek sterilization pouch that contains the flex implant which is then packaged inside a sealed polymer bag. We perform functional tests on the flex implant before shipping, and you are also able to easily test it before opening the squishpack for installation.

Material Testing
We have conducted various tests on our x-series chips, and have begun documenting similar tests on our flex implants. As more tests are performed and documented, they will appear on our flex test page.

Return Policy
We offer a 30-day money back guarantee! Read all about it on our return policy page.

Limited Warranty
If you do purchase one of our products and experience a failure, we offer a pretty good warranty on all of our implant products. You will need to return the product for testing and analysis, and if it is determined to be malfunctioning, we will ship you a replacement free of charge. Read all about it on our warranty policy page.